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The Sounds of Justice are Music to My Mouth (2021), curated by Madeline Collie and Marnie Badham with artists Alana Hunt, Keg de Souza, Elia Nurvista and Stephen Loo, hosted by Liquid Architecture with partners CAST @ RMIT and UNSW universities.

With provocations from artists Alana Hunt, Elia Nurvista, Keg de Souza and Stephen Loo and dinner guests, we considered the intersection of the politics of listening and the politics of food. This event was curated by Madeleine Collie, Marnie Badham, and Stephen Loo (Food Art Research Network) and hosted by Liquid Architecture as part of larger art-research project between CAST research @ RMIT University, UNSW and partners.

Over the four courses, each artist shared morsels from their creative practice to examine how eating and the mediation of the various modes of attention (tasting, smelling, seeing, feeling, hearing) are (and are not) available in a shared online experience, from our disconnected contexts of culture and place. This shared performative dining experience aims to connect bodies and geographies to notions of justice through complex and entangled social realities and ecological histories.

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